Team stackers & Base rapers

Rund um Badewiese [Public DC Server]
sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

There is no autobalance on this server. It regularly gets team stacked. It's not uncommon to see 4 vs 1, 6 vs 1, today even 8 vs 1! Then I left for 5 minutes, came back and found they played STILL 8 vs 0!!! Only bots!

Autobalance NEEDS to be turned on. They just team stack AND base rape the entire maps. If you turned on "kill base rapers" death bubble for bases that would stop that from happening.

I find it odd you call this "fairplayserver" with no safeguards in place like autobalance and anti-base raping death bubble to stop cheaters from cheating.

When I call players cheaters they don't even understand. They don't read server rules, IF they can read well at all which is doubtful. The fact they always team stack and base rape tells me they're not that bright.

I will use this thread to post screenshots of the ridiculously stacked teams so we can all laugh at the simpleton rule breakers.

Thank you. That is all.

PS - If you need help modding to kill players that attack main bases automatically, the admins at MOONGAMER are very good at it. Perhaps they can help you with that part.

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Di Aug 25, 2020 2:15 pm
Wohnort: Jacksonville, Florida USA

Constant Insulting and Teamkilling

Beitrag von rbsekac »

Evidently, you are the one called Shred yesterday; your constant foul language and insulting other players all map long is something you do every time you come on server with a different name. Then, when you don't get your way, you constantly teamkill and think that is okay.

I have reported you to Spion and hopefully he will take action to ban you permanently. You are an embarrassment to the Gaming community.

This server has 2 rules; no attack mainbase unless someone shooting out - and you can attack that person only, and no teamkilling. You constantly violate the second rule.

These two rules have been pointed out to you in chat which you disregard. This is a coop server and there is no requirement for human players to autobalance as the server autobalances ALL players.

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: So Dez 20, 2020 4:43 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von AHAB »

Thanks Bas ...

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

Listen to this guy, only two rules.....blah blah blah. Does it make you feel like a big man to team stack 8 vs 1? I bet it does. You also base rape so don't even try to say you never cheat.

Yeah these guys are both team stackers. They team stack, then base rape which is against the rules then when they get called out for it they don't ever even the teams. They never think "Hey maybe I should even the teams like a man with balls between my legs instead of playing 8 vs 1."

But nnoooooo, they sit in their team stacks continuing to base rape and they wonder why I get pissed off and call them pussies.

All the time with the blatant cheating, team stacking and base raping. They live in a world where the enablers around them never call them out for doing stupid things. So when I do they don't know how to respond, they can only react. But playing FAIR is NEVER an option. I'm supposed to just get team stacked and base raped and be happy about it.

What colour is the sky in your world?

How about YOU just STOP cheating? Noooooo, can't do that can you? Just cry about some guy that called you a pussy for what? Acting like a pussy!

When the teams are even AND THAT USED TO BE RARE, they NEVER hear a single word from me. The teams are fair, why would I need to say anything?

Yeah I tk'd them when it was 8 vs 1, 6 vs 1, 5 vs 2 whatever. It's fun to hear them cry about being "cheated" against while they're all cheating. CLASSIC newbery.

Just because the autobalance doesn't turn on until one team is +3 it doesn't mean +2 isn't team stacked. Anything past +1 is team stacking and is a tactic only newbs use because they NEED extra players or they'll get slaughtered, which is what happened every time the teams WERE even. EVERY TIME, WITHOUT FAIL. I can see how that might annoy them, not being the best player in the server. $50 says most of them go to Game Tracker just to look at their score after shooting 1000 bots in empty servers so they can pretend they're "awesome" players. Pffff hahahahaha.

Even now they're gonna lie and say they never cheat and I'm always an asshole. Well you don't have to cheat all the time but you do. To me, being a cheater is 100 times worse than being an asshole. It is.

PS - The ONLY thing COOP means is humans and bots cooperate. It DOES NOT mean stacking teams is "okay". EVERY other server has autobalance set for +2 but most players will switch to keep the teams even. Never Basilone. Never AHAB. Probably why I never see them in ANY other server. Well that and they're not good enough to play a BF1942 vanilla game. They'd get worked so hard I would laaauuugh and laaauuugh. Oh yeah, and autobalance ONLY turns on when humans team stack BECAUSE BOTS NEVER STACK!!!! How can i PROVE it? Autobalance never turns on (yellow text on screen appears) when the teams are even, it's not rocket science.

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

Here we go, first team stacking screenshot. Was having a nice 2 vs 1 game then stackboy CZ boy made it 3 vs 1. Killer CZ is a regular team stacker. It took a couple times to get the screenshot to take. The layers on this mod sometimes won't show the scoreboard from print screen key. I also killed myself twice like a newb and didn't want the 2 deaths so I reentered when I had 17 points, that's why my score is half of theirs but blue is still owning.
teamstack 1.jpg
teamstack 1.jpg (100.41 KiB) 108323 mal betrachtet
Zuletzt geändert von sexy lenny am So Feb 28, 2021 7:44 pm, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

Here we go again with the newbery. It was 1v1, I dominated of course(on blue) so he switched teams to make it 2v0. So I switched teams(to red) to keep them even, had to leave server and reenter to do so. When I came back he switched to my team(red) again. So once again I switched(to blue...instant) to even the teams. He switched one more time before I screenshotted it and left server. I REFUSE TO PLAY ON A TEAM WITH TWO HUMANS VS ONLY BOTS.
teamstack 2.jpg
teamstack 2.jpg (108.52 KiB) 108314 mal betrachtet

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

Previous map was Kharkov. Vanek and one other were playing 2 vs 0 for half the map. Then I came in about 5 seconds after another started on red. 30 seconds later he switched to blue making it 3 vs 1. Taking a screenshot didn't click in my head but I called 3 vs 1 but nobody spawn camping in their little sissy helos wanted to make the game fair so I let it run out 3 vs 1. Next map it was 3 vs 2 with a newb? on blue. Vanek started to get completely dominated because of the newb killing himself three times so instead of just manning up like I did the previous map he team stacked 4 vs 1. The days of you clowns playing your stupid team stack games are done. I will post screenshots of every single one of you so we can all laugh at your weak ass crap. hahahaha Check it out:
teamstack 3.jpg
teamstack 3.jpg (100.65 KiB) 108257 mal betrachtet

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

Next up on our list of players without a brain, tully! tully got caught glitching in a wall as he usually does. Let's all pause for a moment to laugh at tully's weak ass crap. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA busted!

See how much of this crap goes on? All the time with this weak ass crap!
WALL GLITCH LOSER.jpg (102.17 KiB) 108256 mal betrachtet

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »


teamstack 4.jpg
teamstack 4.jpg (98.46 KiB) 108245 mal betrachtet
teamstack 6.jpg
teamstack 6.jpg (88.76 KiB) 108245 mal betrachtet
teamstack 7.jpg
teamstack 7.jpg (94.31 KiB) 108245 mal betrachtet

sexy lenny
Beiträge: 33
Registriert: So Jan 17, 2021 6:01 pm

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers

Beitrag von sexy lenny »

teamstack 8.jpg
teamstack 8.jpg (78.13 KiB) 108243 mal betrachtet
teamstack 9.jpg
teamstack 9.jpg (93.82 KiB) 108243 mal betrachtet

